Civitai API

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This article describes how to use the Civitai REST API. We are going to be describing the HTTP method, path, and parameters for every operation. The API will return the response status code, response headers, and a response body.

Civitai API v1


  • GET /api/v1/creators


  • GET /api/v1/images


  • GET /api/v1/models


  • GET /api/v1/models/:modelId

Model Version

  • GET /api/v1/model-versions/:modelVersionId
  • GET /api/v1/model-versions/by-hash/:hash


  • GET /api/v1/tags

GET /api/v1/creators

Endpoint URL

Query Parameters

Name Type Description
limit (OPTIONAL) number The number of results to be returned per page. This can be a number between 0 and 200. By default, each page will return 20 results. If set to 0, it'll return all the creators
page (OPTIONAL) number The page from which to start fetching creators
query (OPTIONAL) string Search query to filter creators by username

Response Fields

Name Type Description
username string The username of the creator
modelCount number The amount of models linked to this user
link string Url to get all models from this user
metadata.totalItems string The total number of items available
metadata.currentPage string The the current page you are at
metadata.pageSize string The the size of the batch
metadata.totalPages string The total number of pages
metadata.nextPage string The url to get the next batch of items
metadata.prevPage string The url to get the previous batch of items


The following example shows a request to get the first 3 model tags from our database:

curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

This would yield the following response:

  "items": [
      "username": "Civitai",
      "modelCount": 848,
      "link": ""
      "username": "JustMaier",
      "modelCount": 8,
      "link": ""
      "username": "maxhulker",
      "modelCount": 2,
      "link": ""
  "metadata": {
    "totalItems": 46,
    "currentPage": 1,
    "pageSize": 3,
    "totalPages": 16,
    "nextPage": ""

GET /api/v1/images

Endpoint URL

Query Parameters

Name Type Description
limit (OPTIONAL) number The number of results to be returned per page. This can be a number between 0 and 200. By default, each page will return 100 results.
postId (OPTIONAL) number The ID of a post to get images from
modelId (OPTIONAL) number The ID of a model to get images from (model gallery)
modelVersionId (OPTIONAL) number The ID of a model version to get images from (model gallery filtered to version)
username (OPTIONAL) string Filter to images from a specific user
nsfw (OPTIONAL) boolean | enum (None, Soft, Mature, X) Filter to images that contain mature content flags or not (undefined returns all)
sort (OPTIONAL) enum (Most Reactions, Most Comments, Newest) The order in which you wish to sort the results
period (OPTIONAL) enum (AllTime, Year, Month, Week, Day) The time frame in which the images will be sorted
page (OPTIONAL) number The page from which to start fetching creators

Response Fields

Name Type Description
id number The id of the image
url string The url of the image at it's source resolution
hash string The blurhash of the image
width number The width of the image
height number The height of the image
nsfw boolean If the image has any mature content labels
nsfwLevel enum (None, Soft, Mature, X) The NSFW level of the image
createdAt date The date the image was posted
postId number The ID of the post the image belongs to
stats.cryCount number The number of cry reactions
stats.laughCount number The number of laugh reactions
stats.likeCount number The number of like reactions
stats.heartCount number The number of heart reactions
stats.commentCount number The number of comment reactions
meta object The generation parameters parsed or input for the image
username string The username of the creator
metadata.nextCursor number The id of the first image in the next batch
metadata.currentPage number The the current page you are at (if paging)
metadata.pageSize number The the size of the batch (if paging)
metadata.nextPage string The url to get the next batch of items


The following example shows a request to get the first image:

curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

This would yield the following response:


  • On July 2, 2023 we switch from a paging system to a cursor based system due to the volume of data and requests for this endpoint.
  • Whether you use paging or cursors, you can use metadata.nextPage to get the next page of results

GET /api/v1/models

Endpoint URL

Query Parameters

Name Type Description
limit (OPTIONAL) number The number of results to be returned per page. This can be a number between 1 and 100. By default, each page will return 100 results
page (OPTIONAL) number The page from which to start fetching models
query (OPTIONAL) string Search query to filter models by name
tag (OPTIONAL) string Search query to filter models by tag
username (OPTIONAL) string Search query to filter models by user
types (OPTIONAL) enum[] (Checkpoint, TextualInversion, Hypernetwork, AestheticGradient, LORA, Controlnet, Poses) The type of model you want to filter with. If none is specified, it will return all types
sort (OPTIONAL) enum (Highest Rated, Most Downloaded, Newest) The order in which you wish to sort the results
period (OPTIONAL) enum (AllTime, Year, Month, Week, Day) The time frame in which the models will be sorted
rating (OPTIONAL) number The rating you wish to filter the models with. If none is specified, it will return models with any rating
favorites (OPTIONAL) (AUTHED) boolean Filter to favorites of the authenticated user (this requires an API token or session cookie)
hidden (OPTIONAL) (AUTHED) boolean Filter to hidden models of the authenticated user (this requires an API token or session cookie)
primaryFileOnly (OPTIONAL) boolean Only include the primary file for each model (This will use your preferred format options if you use an API token or session cookie)
allowNoCredit (OPTIONAL) boolean Filter to models that require or don't require crediting the creator
allowDerivatives (OPTIONAL) boolean Filter to models that allow or don't allow creating derivatives
allowDifferentLicenses (OPTIONAL) boolean Filter to models that allow or don't allow derivatives to have a different license
allowCommercialUse (OPTIONAL) enum (None, Image, Rent, Sell) Filter to models based on their commercial permissions
nsfw (OPTIONAL) boolean If false, will return safer images and hide models that don't have safe images

Response Fields

Name Type Description
id number The identifier for the model
name string The name of the model
description string The description of the model (HTML)
type enum (Checkpoint, TextualInversion, Hypernetwork, AestheticGradient, LORA, Controlnet, Poses) The model type
nsfw boolean Whether the model is NSFW or not
tags string[] The tags associated with the model
mode enum (Archived, TakenDown) | null The mode in which the model is currently on. If Archived, files field will be empty. If TakenDown, images field will be empty
creator.username string The name of the creator
creator.image string | null The url of the creators avatar
stats.downloadCount number The number of downloads the model has
stats.favoriteCount number The number of favorites the model has
stats.commentCount number The number of comments the model has
stats.ratingCount number The number of ratings the model has
stats.rating number The average rating of the model number The identifier for the model version string The name of the model version
modelVersions.description string The description of the model version (usually a changelog)
modelVersions.createdAt Date The date in which the version was created
modelVersions.downloadUrl string The download url to get the model file for this specific version
modelVersions.trainedWords string[] The words used to trigger the model
modelVersions.files.sizeKb number The size of the model file
modelVersions.files.pickleScanResult string Status of the pickle scan ('Pending', 'Success', 'Danger', 'Error')
modelVersions.files.virusScanResult string Status of the virus scan ('Pending', 'Success', 'Danger', 'Error')
modelVersions.files.scannedAt Date | null The date in which the file was scanned
modelVersions.files.primary boolean | undefined If the file is the primary file for the model version
modelVersions.files.metadata.fp enum (fp16, fp32) | undefined The specified floating point for the file
modelVersions.files.metadata.size enum (full, pruned) | undefined The specified model size for the file
modelVersions.files.metadata.format enum (SafeTensor, PickleTensor, Other) | undefined The specified model format for the file string The id for the image
modelVersions.images.url string The url for the image
modelVersions.images.nsfw string Whether or not the image is NSFW (note: if the model is NSFW, treat all images on the model as NSFW)
modelVersions.images.width number The original width of the image
modelVersions.images.height number The original height of the image
modelVersions.images.hash string The blurhash of the image
modelVersions.images.meta object | null The generation params of the image
modelVersions.stats.downloadCount number The number of downloads the model has
modelVersions.stats.ratingCount number The number of ratings the model has
modelVersions.stats.rating number The average rating of the model
metadata.totalItems string The total number of items available
metadata.currentPage string The the current page you are at
metadata.pageSize string The the size of the batch
metadata.totalPages string The total number of pages
metadata.nextPage string The url to get the next batch of items
metadata.prevPage string The url to get the previous batch of items

Note: The download url uses a content-disposition header to set the filename correctly. Be sure to enable that header when fetching the download. For example, with wget:

wget{modelVersionId} --content-disposition


The following example shows a request to get the first 3 TextualInversion models from our database:

curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

This would yield the following response:

GET /api/v1/models/:modelId

Endpoint URL

Response Fields

Name Type Description
id number The identifier for the model
name string The name of the model
description string The description of the model (HTML)
type enum (Checkpoint, TextualInversion, Hypernetwork, AestheticGradient, LORA, Controlnet, Poses) The model type
nsfw boolean Whether the model is NSFW or not
tags string[] The tags associated with the model
mode enum (Archived, TakenDown) | null The mode in which the model is currently on. If Archived, files field will be empty. If TakenDown, images field will be empty
creator.username string The name of the creator
creator.image string | null The url of the creators avatar number The identifier for the model version string The name of the model version
modelVersions.description string The description of the model version (usually a changelog)
modelVersions.createdAt Date The date in which the version was created
modelVersions.downloadUrl string The download url to get the model file for this specific version
modelVersions.trainedWords string[] The words used to trigger the model
modelVersions.files.sizeKb number The size of the model file
modelVersions.files.pickleScanResult string Status of the pickle scan ('Pending', 'Success', 'Danger', 'Error')
modelVersions.files.virusScanResult string Status of the virus scan ('Pending', 'Success', 'Danger', 'Error')
modelVersions.files.scannedAt Date | null The date in which the file was scanned
modelVersions.files.metadata.fp enum (fp16, fp32) | undefined The specified floating point for the file
modelVersions.files.metadata.size enum (full, pruned) | undefined The specified model size for the file
modelVersions.files.metadata.format enum (SafeTensor, PickleTensor, Other) | undefined The specified model format for the file
modelVersions.images.url string The url for the image
modelVersions.images.nsfw string Whether or not the image is NSFW (note: if the model is NSFW, treat all images on the model as NSFW)
modelVersions.images.width number The original width of the image
modelVersions.images.height number The original height of the image
modelVersions.images.hash string The blurhash of the image
modelVersions.images.meta object | null The generation params of the image

Note: The download url uses a content-disposition header to set the filename correctly. Be sure to enable that header when fetching the download. For example, with wget:

wget{modelVersionId} --content-disposition


The following example shows a request to get the first 3 TextualInversion models from our database:

curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

This would yield the following response:

GET /api/v1/models-versions/:modelVersionId

Endpoint URL

Response Fields

Name Type Description
id number The identifier for the model version
name string The name of the model version
description string The description of the model version (usually a changelog) string The name of the model
model.type enum (Checkpoint, TextualInversion, Hypernetwork, AestheticGradient, LORA, Controlnet, Poses) The model type
model.nsfw boolean Whether the model is NSFW or not
model.poi boolean Whether the model is of a person of interest or not
model.mode enum (Archived, TakenDown) | null The mode in which the model is currently on. If Archived, files field will be empty. If TakenDown, images field will be empty
modelId number The identifier for the model
createdAt Date The date in which the version was created
downloadUrl string The download url to get the model file for this specific version
trainedWords string[] The words used to trigger the model
files.sizeKb number The size of the model file
files.pickleScanResult string Status of the pickle scan ('Pending', 'Success', 'Danger', 'Error')
files.virusScanResult string Status of the virus scan ('Pending', 'Success', 'Danger', 'Error')
files.scannedAt Date | null The date in which the file was scanned
files.metadata.fp enum (fp16, fp32) | undefined The specified floating point for the file
files.metadata.size enum (full, pruned) | undefined The specified model size for the file
files.metadata.format enum (SafeTensor, PickleTensor, Other) | undefined The specified model format for the file
stats.downloadCount number The number of downloads the model has
stats.ratingCount number The number of ratings the model has
stats.rating number The average rating of the model
images.url string The url for the image
images.nsfw string Whether or not the image is NSFW (note: if the model is NSFW, treat all images on the model as NSFW)
images.width number The original width of the image
images.height number The original height of the image
images.hash string The blurhash of the image
images.meta object | null The generation params of the image

Note: The download url uses a content-disposition header to set the filename correctly. Be sure to enable that header when fetching the download. For example, with wget:

wget{modelVersionId} --content-disposition


The following example shows a request to get a model version from our database:

curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

This would yield the following response:

GET /api/v1/models-versions/by-hash/:hash

Endpoint URL

Response Fields

Same as standard model-versions endpoint

Note: We support the following hash algorithms: AutoV1, AutoV2, SHA256, CRC32, and Blake3

Note 2: We are still in the process of hashing older files, so these results are incomplete

GET /api/v1/tags

Endpoint URL

Query Parameters

Name Type Description
limit (OPTIONAL) number The number of results to be returned per page. This can be a number between 1 and 200. By default, each page will return 20 results. If set to 0, it'll return all the tags
page (OPTIONAL) number The page from which to start fetching tags
query (OPTIONAL) string Search query to filter tags by name

Response Fields

Name Type Description
name string The name of the tag
modelCount number The amount of models linked to this tag
link string Url to get all models from this tag
metadata.totalItems string The total number of items available
metadata.currentPage string The the current page you are at
metadata.pageSize string The the size of the batch
metadata.totalPages string The total number of pages
metadata.nextPage string The url to get the next batch of items
metadata.prevPage string The url to get the previous batch of items


The following example shows a request to get the first 3 model tags from our database:

curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

This would yield the following response:

  "items": [
      "name": "Pepe Larraz",
      "modelCount": 1,
      "link": " Larraz"
      "name": "comic book",
      "modelCount": 7,
      "link": " book"
      "name": "style",
      "modelCount": 91,
      "link": ""
  "metadata": {
    "totalItems": 200,
    "currentPage": 1,
    "pageSize": 3,
    "totalPages": 67,
    "nextPage": ""