Light Gore

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Part of the Civitai Content Rating System:

In this context, "light gore" in a still image might be characterized by the following criteria:

  • Implied Violence: The image suggests violence without showing it in explicit detail. For example, the aftermath of an action might be depicted rather than the act itself.
  • Minimal Blood and Injury: Visible signs of violence, such as blood or injuries, are present but kept to a minimal, non-gratuitous level. The depiction does not dwell on the injuries in a way that could be considered graphic or overly disturbing.
  • Contextual Sensitivity: The portrayal of any violent or potentially gory content is evaluated within the context it is presented. An image intended for educational or historical purposes might be assessed differently than one designed for entertainment.
  • Absence of Gratuity: The image avoids presenting violence or gore in a manner that appears unnecessary or added solely for shock value. The content has a justifiable reason within the image's message or narrative.
  • Audience Impact: The potential impact on a general audience, including children over 13, is a key consideration. The image should not be so disturbing as to provoke intense fear, distress, or disgust in a broad audience, particularly in those under 13.